This is great option to get Blue Waters cycles for smaller users. This is kinda tongue in cheek as "small" is 5 million core hours. Given that normal Blue Waters allocations are much larger this is a small large scale user.
See the notice below:
I am writing to you as President of the Great Lakes Consortium for Petascale Computation to bring your attention to a call for proposals for GLCPC allocated computer hours on the new Blue Waters Machine. As a member of the GLCPC, faculty at your institution are eligible to apply for an allocation of time reserved by NCSA for member institutions. As XSEDE Campus Champions, I believe you may know faculty that are interested in this opportunity.
The call for proposals can be found at
I would appreciate it if you could forward this information to the faculty on your campus that might be interested in submitting proposals for this unique opportunity.
If you are a University of Michigan reader and want more information contact me at CAEN Advanced Computing.
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